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What "Building Better Grapplers" Means?
Building a stronger, more resilient body tailored for jiu jitsu with our BJJ specific services. Through our immersive seminars, personalized 1-on-1 rehab programs, and comprehensive athletic development plans, we provide the support you need to return to the mats quickly while prioritizing training longevity. Optimize your training, prevent injuries, and improve your overall jiu jitsu performance with our dedicated physical therapy solutions designed specifically for jiu jitsu fighters.
Physical Therapist/Athletic Trainer
Jiu Jitsu Blue Belt
The dreamer of Open Mat Physio. Always on the search for new ideas & ways to build a healthier & stronger Jiu Jitsu community. Can be found eating a lot, writing poetry or attending another wedding.
Physical Therapist/Strength Coach
Jiu Jitsu Purple Belt
The brains of Open Mat Physio. The king behind our programming & a true 'learn it all' on & off the mats. Can be found also eating a lot, enjoying a nice craft beer or sprinting in the streets of New Mexico.
Physical Therapist/Massage Therapist
Jiu Jitsu Black Belt
The black belt wisdom of Open Mat Physio. The go-to resource when we have questions about all things BJJ. Can be found also eating a lot, tending to his plants or shredding the gnar on the slopes.
1-on-1 Individualized Programming
1-on-1 with a Doctor of Physical Therapy. Individualized assessments turned into programs conveniently delivered to your phone via app. Weekly check-in's, monthly calls, accountability & MUCH more.
3-Month Program: $825
6-Month Program: $1500
(Flexible Payment Plans Available)
Jiu Jitsu Longevity Monthly Programming
2-tracks, your choice.
Monthly Programming by Dr. Daisuke Saiki. Choose foundational strength or athletic development as your focus. 3-4 workouts a week delivered to your phone via app. Community forum & monthly tips included!
Each Program
The Grappler's Library - 200+ Exercise Library
An exercise library built by grapplers for grapplers. Broken up into playlists and easily accessible based on your needs.
A resource to have in your back pocket anytime you need ideas.
Subscribe to our monthly newsletter to get updates and tips on how to stay training healthier, happier, & for life!
PLUS a FREE PDF DOWNLOAD of our "Low Back & Hip Warmup" as a Thank You gift!
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